
Email :qinlang@fudan.edu.cn
2009年9月-2013年6月,中山大学 材料化学,本科
2013年9月-2018年6月,复旦大学 材料物理与化学,博士
2018年6月-2020年8月,复旦大学 材料科学系,博士后
2020年9月-2023年12月,复旦大学 材料科学系,青年副研究员
2023年12月-至今,复旦大学 材料科学系,副教授
Lang Qin#, Xiaojun Liu#, Kunyun He, Guodong Yu, Hang Yuan, Ming Xu, Fuyou Li, Yanlei Yu. Geminate labels programmed by two-tone inks combining structural and fluorescent color. Nat. Commun. 2020, under revision.
Lang Qin, Wei Gu, Jia Wei, Yanlei Yu. Piecewise phototuning of self-organized helical superstructures. Adv. Mater. 2018, 30 (8), 1704941.
Lang Qin, Jia Wei, Yanlei Yu. Photostationary RGB selective reflection from self-organized helical superstructures for continuous photopatterning. Adv. Optical Mater. 2019, 7 (18), 1900430.
Xiao Zhang, Lang Qin#, Yuyun Liu, Jia Wei, Yanlei Yu. Manipulating small water droplets on a photo-switchable mat of fluorinated linear liquid crystal polymers. Giant 2020, 2, 100019.
Lang Qin, Wei Gu, Yingying Chen, Jia Wei, Yanlei Yu. Efficient visible-light full-color tuning of self-organized helical superstructures enabled by fluorinated chiral switches. RSC Adv. 2018, 8 (68), 38935-38940.
Jiu-an Lv, Yuyun Liu, Jia Wei, Erqiang Chen, Lang Qin, Yanlei Yu. Photocontrol of fluid slugs in liquid crystal polymer microactuators. Nature 2016, 537 (7619), 179-184.
Xinlei Pang, Lang Qin, Bo Xu, Quan Liu, Yanlei Yu. Ultra-large contraction directed by light-driven unlocking of prestored strain energy in linear liquid crystal polymer fibers. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30 (32), 2002451.
Xinlei Pang, Jiu-an Lv, Chongyu Zhu, Lang Qin, Yanlei Yu. Photodeformable azobenzene-containing liquid crystal polymers and soft actuators. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31 (52), 1904224.
Bo Xu, Chongyu Zhu, Lang Qin, Jia Wei, Yanlei Yu. Light-directed liquid manipulation in flexible bilayer microtubes. Small 2019, 15 (24), 1901847.
Xiao Zhang, Chongyu Zhu, Bo Xu, Lang Qin, Jia Wei, Yanlei Yu. Rapid, localized and athermal shape memory performance triggered by photoswitchable glass transition temperature. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11 (49), 46212-46218.