






  • 2003.9~2007.6       复旦大学材料科学系学士

  • 2007.9~2012.6       复旦大学材料科学系博士

  • 2011.1~2011.5       美国加州大学伯克利分校访问学者

  • 2012.7~2016.8       上海核工程研究设计院高级工程师

  • 2016.9~2019.11     复旦大学材料科学系青年副研究员

  • 2019.12~至今         复旦大学材料科学系副教授  


  • 材料失效分析  

  • 核电高分子材料老化与寿命管理


  • 中国机械工程学会失效分析分会  副总干事、委员

  • 高分子材料老化与服役寿命研究学会第一届理事会  理事

  • 《失效分析与预防》  青年编委


  • 《核电材料老化与管理》(研究生专业选修课)

  • 《工程材料》(本科生专业选修课)


  • 《工程伦理学》(专业学位研究生专业必修课)

  • 《材料科学导论》(本科生专业必修课)

  • 《材料失效分析》(本科生专业选修课)



  • 先进能源汽车用储氢瓶安全性能研究与评价(排名第7. 上海市科技进步二等奖,2023.04.

  • 三代核电厂防火封堵及柔性密封材料研制(排名第6. 山东省科学技术进步二等奖,2022.12.

  • 三代核电厂防火封堵系列材料国产化研发及工程应用(排名第2. 中国电力技术市场协会电力科技成果金苹果奖三等奖,2021.09.

  • 重大发电设备失效分析的关键技术与治理(排名第5. 上海市科技进步二等奖,2013.12.

  • 重水堆核电机组热交换器的腐蚀失效分析及其预防对策(排名第4. 中国工业防腐蚀技术协会科技进步一等奖,2012.07.

  • 核电装置RCW换热器的失效分析关键技术与工程应用(排名第4. 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖, 2012.10.


  • 全国高校“百个研究生样板党支部”(复旦大学材料科学系2016级研究生党支部,任辅导员、党支部书记),2018.12.

  • 上海市教卫工作党委系统优秀党务工作者. 2019.06.

  • 《材料失效分析》. 上海市课程思政示范课程(排名第2. 2022.11.

  • 《材料失效分析》. 复旦大学课程思政标杆课(排名第4. 2021.06.

  • 《课程思政在材料科学与工程专业教学的实践和应用——以“材料失效分析”为例》. 复旦大学教学成果奖二等奖(排名第3. 2020.12.

  • 《基于材料科学与工程的“七性”案例教学法的内涵、特点与实践》. 复旦大学教学成果奖一等奖(排名第8. 2017.12.

  • 全国失效分析大奖赛优秀指导教师. 2016~2021.

  • 复旦大学研究生十佳辅导员、就业工作先进个人、优秀党支部书记、优秀党务工作者、本科生招生宣传工作先进个人等. 2017~至今



  1. Zhen-Guo Yang, Yi Gong. Failure analysis of heat exchanger tubes in petrochemical industry: Microscopic analysis approach, in ‘Handbook of Materials Failure Analysis - With Case Studies from the Oil and Gas Industries ’, Elsevier, Waltham, USA, 2016: 329-352.

  2.  徐雪莲, 龚嶷. 11章:核电厂的腐蚀防护与管理. 电力设备腐蚀与防护. 冶金工业出版社, 北京, 2023: 344-365.

  3.  杨振国, 龚嶷. 第23章 复合材料连接设计与失效分析. 航空航天复合材料. 科学出版社, 北京, 2024: 714-742.


  1. Guang-Qing He#, Shuang Zhou#, Yi Gong*, Qiong Wu, Zhen-Guo Yang, Mao-Long Zhang, You-Peng Zang, Jian-Guo Deng, Yin Wang. Welding process optimization for steam generator divider plate against disbonding of dissimilar metal weld. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 166: 108845.

  2. Tong-Tong Bi#, Ming-Kui Shuai#, Yi Gong*, Qun Ding, Kang-Yao Sun, Xiao-Feng Tang, Zhen-Guo Yang, Zong-Zong Zhang. Effect of hydrolysis stabilizers on anti-aging performance of PET under pressure cooker test. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2024, 225: 110816.

  3. Zhiyuan Zeng, Tianqun Zhao, Yi Gong*, Zhiqiang Yu*. Synthesis, curing kinetics and properties of novel aromatic multifunctional epoxy resin. European Polymer Journal, 2024, 219: 113375.

  4. Jie Chen#, Yi Gong#, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis on the abnormal cracking of Si3N4 ceramic substrates for SiC power modules in new energy vehicles. Microelectronics Reliability, 2024, 155: 115373.

  5. Ming-Kun Shuai, Yi Gong*, Fan Cheng, Jian Zhang, Rong-Bo Li, Jie Pan, Na Li, Jian-Feng Xu, Xiao-Qiang Liu, Xiao-Lei Yang, Xue-Lian Xu, Chao-Chao Sun, Hong-Fu Feng, You-Xue Su. Innovation in lifetime prediction of rigid polyurethane foam through random vibration and comparison with conventional methods. Polymer Testing, 2023, 125: 108122.

  6. Siguo Bi, Cong Wang, Bochun Wu, Shuyan Hu, Wutao Huang, Wei Ni, Yi Gong*, Xin Wang*. A comprehensive survey on applications of AI technologies to failure analysis of industrial systems. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 148: 107172.

  7. Siguo Bi, Cong Wang, Jiajie Shen, Wang Xiang, Wei Ni, Xin Wang, Bochun Wu*, Yi Gong*. A novel RFID localization approach to smart self-service borrowing and returning system. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2023, 135(1): 527-538.

  8. Yi Gong, Sheng-Hui Wang, Zi-Yu Zhang, Xiao-Lei Yang, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Hui-Gu Yang. Degradation of sunlight exposure on the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes for transportation of natural gases. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021,194: 109752.

  9. Yi Gong, Ming-Ying Du, Fu-Qiu Ma, Guang-Qing He, Yun Xue, Cai-Shan Jiao, Xiao-Lei Yang, Rong-Bo Li, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis and prevention of corrosion occurring during storage on steam generator tube sheet for advanced PWR, Part I: root causes analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020,116: 104710.

  10. Yi Gong, Ming-Ying Du, Guang-Qing He, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Rong-Bo Li, Xiao-Jun Li, Cai-Lin Jiang, Xiao-Qiang Liu, Xue-Lian Xu, Ai-Hua Guo. Failure analysis and prevention of corrosion occurring during storage on steam generator tube sheet for advanced PWR, Part II: corrosion prevention design. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 115: 104688.

  11. Yi Gong, Xiao-Lei Yang, Sheng-Hui Wang, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis on leaked jacket pipe of double-pipe heat exchanger in high-pressure polyethylene facility. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2020, 147: 104166.

  12. Yi Gong, Jie Tang, Xiao-Lei Yang, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Xiu-Qiang Shi, Yong-Cheng Xie, Ai-Hua Guo, Jian-Feng Xu. Effect of irradiation dose rates on ethylene-propylene rubber for nuclear cables. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 484: 845-852.

  13. Yi Gong, Fu-Qiu Ma, Yun Xue, Cai-Shan Jiao, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis on leaked titanium tubes of seawater heat exchangers in recirculating cooling water system of coastal nuclear power plant. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, 101: 172-179.

  14. Yi Gong, Qun Ding, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis on premature fracture of anchor bolts in seawater booster pump of nuclear power plant. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, 97: 10-19.

  15. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Corrosion evaluation of one wet desulfurization equipment – Flue gas desulfurization. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 181: 279-293.

  16. Yi Gong, Jie Tang, Bei-Ni Sun, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Xiu-Qiang Shi, Xiao-Qiang Liu, Yong-Cheng Xie, Xue-Lian Xu. Comparative study on different methods for determination of activation energies of nuclear cable materials. Polymer Testing, 2018, 70: 81-91.

  17. Yi Gong, Jing-Lu Fei, Jie Tang, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Yong-Ming Han, Xiang Li. Failure analysis on abnormal wear of roller bearings in gearbox for wind turbine. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 82: 26-38.

  18. Yi Gong, Shi-Meng Hu, Jing-Lu Fei, Xiao-Lei Yang, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Ai-Hua Guo, Xiu-Qiang Shi, Yong-Cheng Xie. Comparative study on degradation of ethylene-propylene rubber for nuclear cables from gamma and beta irradiation. Polymer Testing, 2017, 60: 102-109.

  19. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Xin-Hao Meng. Failure analysis of one peculiar ‘Yin-Yang’ corrosion morphology on heat exchanger tubes in purified terephthalic acid (PTA) dryer. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013, 31: 203-210.

  20. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Fracture failure analysis of automotive accelerator pedal arms with polymer matrix composite material. Composites B, 2013, 53: 103-111.

  21. Zhen-Guo Yang*, Yi Gong, Jian-Zhong Yuan. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchanger in a nuclear power plant. part I: electrochemical corrosion. Materials and Corrosion, 2012, 63(1): 7-17.

  22. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Jian-Zhong Yuan. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchanger in a nuclear power plant. part II: mechanical degradation. Materials and Corrosion, 2012, 63(1): 18–28.

  23. Yi Gong, Yu-Fei Wang, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Impact simulation on ductile metal pipe with polymer coating by a coupled finite element and meshfree method. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2012, 12(3): 267-272.

  24. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Fa-Yun Yang. Heat strength evaluation and microstructures observation of the welded joints of one china-made T91 steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2012, 21(7): 1313-1319.

  25. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Corrosion evaluation of one dry desulfurization equipment - Circulating fluidized bed boiler. Materials and Design, 2011, 32(2): 671-681.

  26. Yi Gong, Chao Yang, Cheng Yao, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Acidic/caustic alternating corrosion on carbon steel pipes in heat exchanger of ethylene plant. Materials and Corrosion, 2011, 62(10): 967-678.

  27. Yi Gong, Jian Cao, Li-Na Ji, Cheng Yao, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Jun Wang, Zheng-Fei Hu, Xiao-Ming Luo, Fu-Ming Gu, An-Fang Qi, Shang-Yun Ye. Assessment of creep rupture properties for dissimilar steels welded joints between T92 and HR3C. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2011, 34(2): 83-96.

  28. Yi Gong, Jing Zhong, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis of bursting on the inner pipe of a jacketed pipe in a tubular heat exchanger. Materials and Design, 2010, 31(9): 4258-4268.

  29. Yi Gong, Jian Cao, Xin-Hao Meng, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Pitting corrosion on 316L pipes in terephthalic acid (TA) dryer. Materials and Corrosion, 2009, 60(11): 899-908.


  1. 龚嶷、李广杰、毕泗国、武博淳. 一种第三代核电站用高性能80年寿命低电阻低压动力传导电缆及制备方法. 发明专利号:ZL202211101972.0, 授权公告日:2024-09-03.

  2. 龚嶷、孙贝妮、门书卉、刘晓强、杨振国等. 一种核电厂用防火封堵材料使用寿命的评估方法. 发明专利号ZL202210909650.2, 授权公告日:2024-07-02.

  3. 龚嶷、杨振国、杨晓蕾. 一种定量评价核级电缆老化程度的综合方法. 发明专利号:ZL201910705427.4, 授权公告日:2022-01-07.

  4. 关晓波、龚嶷、门书卉、徐雪莲、姜振良、刘晓强、战毅. 一种防火耐辐照硅酮密封胶及其制备. 发明专利号:ZL201510431039.3, 授权公告日:2019-02-26.

  5. 杨振国、龚嶷、祝凯. 一种重大发电设备的失效综合分析方法. 发明专利号:ZL201410003155.5, 授权公告日:2016-08-17.

  6. 谢永诚、郭爱华、石秀强、徐剑峰、龚嶷、晁侃、王赤虎. 适用于β辐照的温度试验装置. 实用新型专利号:ZL201520810850.8, 授权公告日:2016-07-06.

  7. 杨振国、袁建中、祝凯、杨敏、龚嶷. 一种预防核电装置换热器腐蚀失效的管板口密封方法. 发明专利号:ZL201110241519.5, 授权公告日:2013-02-27.


  1. NB/T 20519-2018. 核电厂设备老化机理分析技术要求. 国家能源局.

  2. NB/T 20561-2019. 核电厂非金属材料部件β辐照试验方法. 国家能源局