
上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区先进材料楼436
目前在研主持项目两项:2018年度国家自然科学基金面上项目(60万),2018年度上海市自然科学基金面上项目(20万)。已完成国家自然科学基金青年基金(2014年度)、上海市青年基金(2013年度)、中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目。并在Macromolecules, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. , Eur. Polym. J.,Nanotechnology, J. Mater. Chem., RSC Adv., Polymer等学术期刊发表论文多篇。申请国家发明专利多项。
Junyi Li, Ziyu Zhang, Tangwei Zhu, Zhuo Li, Jun Wang, Yuanrong Cheng*. Multi-benzocyclobutene functionalized siloxane monomers prepared by Piers-Rubinsztajn reaction for low-k materials. European Polymer Journal, 2020, 126, 109562.
Yuanrong Cheng*, Jing Cai, Junyi Li, Xueliang Wu, Yunfei Shi, and Jun Wang. Multibenzocyclobutene Functionalized Silane for Low-k Polyarylsilane Thermosets with Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and High Thermostability. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2019, 1, 10, 2622–2626.
Shichang Tian, Junyi Li, Zhe Cai, Bingyao Shi, Wenhao Chen, Yuanrong Cheng*, Piers-Rubinsztajn reaction for BCB functionalized silphenylene/silbiphenylene siloxane oligomers to highly crosslinked low-k thermosets. Eur. Polym. J. 2018, 108, 373-379.
Yuanrong Cheng*, Shichang Tian, Yunfei Shi, Wenhao Chen, Zhuo Li, Ziyu Zhang, Tangwei Zhu. Benzocyclobutene organosiloxane resins prepared by alcoholysis of BCB functionalized chlorosilane for highly crosslinked low-k thermosets.European Polymer Journal, 95, 440-447, 2017.
Xiao-yan Wei, Bo-xuan Zhao, Ya-zhuo Shang**, Yuan-rong Cheng**. Rigid Biphenyl-contained Epoxy Resins with Improved Thermal Resistant Properties.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 35(11), 1428–1435, 2017.
Yuanrong Cheng*, Wenhao Chen, Zhuo Li, Tangwei Zhu, Ziyu Zhang and Yunxia Jin. Hydrolysis and condensation of a benzocyclobutene-functionalized precursor for the synthesis of high performance low-K polymers . RSC Adv. , 7, 14406-14412, 2017.
Yuanrong Cheng*, Zhe Lin, Hao Lü, Liang Zhang, Bai Yang. ZnS nanoparticles well-dispersed in ethylene glycol: the coordination control synthesis and the application as nanocomposite optical coatings, Nanotechnology, 25(11), 115601.1−9, 2014.
Yuanrong Cheng, Tianke Qi, Yunxia Jin, Dunying Deng, Fei Xiao*. Highly cross-linked thermosetting resin of maleimidobenzoxazine functionalized with benzocyclobutene. Polymer, 54(1), 143–147, 2013.
Yuanrong Cheng*, Lingqiang Kong, Zhidong Ren, Tianke Qi. Highly cross-linked thermosetting benzocyclobutene-modified bis-benzoxazine resins from 4-hydroxybenzocyclobutene. High Performance Polymers, 25(8), 980–985, 2013.
Yuanrong Cheng, Jun Yang, Yunxia Jin, Dunying Deng, Fei Xiao*. Synthesis and properties of highly cross-linked thermosetting resins of benzocyclobutene-functionalized benzoxazine. Macromolecules, 45(10), 4085−4091, 2012.
Yuanrong Cheng, Changli Lü, Bai Yang*. A review on high refractive index nanocomposites for optical applications. Recent Patents on Materials Science, 4(1), 15–27, 2011.
Zhidong Ren, Yuanrong Cheng, Yan Li, Fei Xiao. Soluble asymmetric bismaleimide with low molten viscosity and its high glass transition temperature polymer.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133, 22,43491.
Lingqiang Kong, Yuanrong Cheng, Yunxia Jin, Tianke Qi, Fei Xiao. Low k epoxy resin containing cycloaliphatic hydrocarbon with high crosslinking density Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133, 21, 43456.
Zhidong Ren, Yuanrong Cheng, Lingqiang Kong, Tianke Qi, Fei Xiao. High glass transition temperature bismaleimide-triazine resins based on soluble amorphous bismaleimide monomer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016,133,3,42882.
LingqiangKong , Yuanrong Cheng, Yunxia Jin, Zhidong Ren, Yan Li, Fei Xiao *. Adamantyl-based benzocyclobutene low-k polymers with good physical properties and excellent planarity. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015, 3(14) 3364-3370
Yunxia Jin, Yuanrong Cheng, Dunying Deng, Chengjie Jiang, Tianke Qi, Donglun Yang, Fei Xiao*. Site-Selective Growth of Patterned Silver Grid Networks as Flexible Transparent Conductive Film by Using Poly(dopamine) at Room Temperature. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(3) 1447-1453
Jun Yang, Yuanrong Cheng, Yunxia Jin, Dunying Deng, Fei Xiao*. Synthesis and characterization of organo-soluble and photosensitive benzocyclobutene- terminated imides. European Polymer Journal, 49(6), 1642–1653, 2013.
Jun Yang, Yuanrong Cheng, Fei Xiao*. Synthesis, thermal and mechanical properties of benzocyclobutene-functionalized siloxane thermosets with different geometric structures. European Polymer Journal, 48(4), 751–760, 2012.
Huiying Fu*, Yuanrong Cheng. Electroluminescent and photovoltaic properties of silole-based materials. Current Organic Chemistry, 16(11), 1423–1446, 2012.
Yunxia Jin, Yuanrong Cheng, Dunying Deng, Chengjie Jiang, Tianke Qi, Donglun Yang, Fei Xiao. Site-selective Growth of Patterned Silver Grid Networks as Flexible Transparent Conductive Film by Using Poly (dopamine) at Room Temperature. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (3), 1447–1453, 2014.
Dunying Deng, Yuanrong Cheng, Yunxia Jin, Tianke Qi and Fei Xiao*. Antioxidative effect of lactic acid-stabilized copper nanoparticles prepared in aqueous solution. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(45), 23989–23995, 2012.
Haowei Yang, Yuanrong Cheng, Fei Xiao*. Thermal stable superhydrophobic polyphenylsilsesquioxane/nanosilica composite coatings. Applied Surface Science, 258(4), 1572-1580, 2011.
Yuanrong Cheng, Tianke Qi, Yunxia Jin, Dunying Deng, Fei Xiao*. Benzoxazine-modified aluminum polymer high dielectric composites. Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2012, 13th International Conference. Guilin. August 13-16. Page(s): 1–4.
程元荣,肖斐。 一种含苯并环丁烯官能化的有机硅化合物的制备方法。申请号:2016108135434。申请日:20160911。
TA Q200 DSC 差示扫描两热议;
TA Q800 DMA 动态机械分析仪;
岛津DTG-60H 热失重测试仪;