MEI Yongfeng

Title: Professor

Phone number: 021-31243532   Email:

Office: Advanced Materials Building, Jiangwan Campus

Research group website:

Education and Work Experience

  • 1995-1999 Nanjing University, Department of Physics, Bachelor

  • 1999-2002 Nanjing University, Department of Physics, MPhil

  • 2002-2005 City University of Hong Kong, Department of Physics and Materials Science, PhD2005-2007 Max Planck Institute for Solid Sate Research, Postdoctoral/Staff Scientist

  • 2007-2010 Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Staff Scientist/Group Leader

  • 2010-now Fudan University, Department of Materials Science, Professor

  • 2018-now Fudan University, Department of Materials Science, Associate Department Head

Research Interests

  • Thin Film Materials and Deposition Technology

  • Semiconductor Materials and Flexible Electronics

  • Smart Materials and Micro/Nanoscale Robotics

  • Optical Materials and Applications

Main Courses

  • Materials Science in Life

  • Introduction to Solid State Physics

  • Surviving Skills for Materials Research

Sponsors and Awards

  • Shanghai Academic Research Leader, 2019, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai, China

  • Editorial Advisory Board of Applied Physics Letters, January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022

  • Changjiang Distinguish Professor (Young Scholar), 2015, Ministry of Education, China

  • Excellent Young Scientist, 2013, NSFC, China

  • Shuguang Scholar, 2012, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, China

  • New Century Talent, 2011, Ministry of Education, China

  • IIN Research Award, 2008, IFW Dresden, Germany

  • Young Scientist Award, 2004, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France

  • Candidate of Young Scientist Award, 2004, Hong Kong Institute of Science, HK SAR, China

Representative Publications in last 5 years

Over 200 peer-reviewed papers in journals including Materials Science and Engineering R: Report, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Laser and Photonics Review, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, and etc.  See the full list @